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12.4.4. Analytic: Hypothesis


How To Invent (Almost) Anything > 12. The TAO Design Process > 12.4. The Analytic Sequence > 12.4.4. Hypothesis

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Once the problem to solve has been defined, the next stage is to find a potential solution.

Fig. 12.3 The Analytic sequence

If the analysis has been done well, then this stage may well be almost a formality, although sometimes it can also be a very long and hard cycle of experimentation.

Counterbalance the ‘why’ of analysis with a ‘how’ of solution. If the answer to a ‘why’ is a negative, such as ‘because they have no other way of holding it’ then this may well point to a possible answer. Keep asking ‘how’. How can drinks be kept warm? With insulation. How can this be done? With vacuum or foam. Keep asking ‘how else?’ How can drinks be made warm? By putting them next to a heat source.

Keep asking other questions, too, until a solution is found that, in theory at least, solves the problem.

For example, the race-goer may be satisfied by a portable seat that also contains and insulates the food and drink, and even utilises the heat from the person sitting on the seat to maintain the temperature.

Other parts of the analytic sequence:

Other sections in this chapter are:

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